《英雄联盟》发布剧情视频《歧路有终》 纯爱战神佛耶戈终成小丑

《英雄联盟》官方发布了光明哨兵事件总览视频《歧路有终》,并配文:“极爱疯魔,只差一线”,万事俱备的佛耶戈在最后还是功亏一篑。视频中的原创音乐名为“I'll Find a Way”,拳头果然是家被耽误的音乐公司,一起来欣赏一下。



The lies I tell myself, help push it away

And I’m chasing whispers, before they all just fade

So how can I

Leave it all behind

When I refuse to watch it fall to dust

I will find a way

This porcelain mirage, may start to break

Each piece a reminder, every single little mistake

So how can I

Leave it all behind

When I refuse to watch it fall to dust

Tell me why

It won’t ever be the same

I’ll burn it all no matter who’s to blame

I’ll find a way

And every time I close my eyes, a little less of you remains

I know you’re slipping further from me now, am I too far away?

Tell me why

I won’t ever feel the same

I’ll try everything until you’re back again

I’ll find a way (back to you)


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